Michael joined the Madsen Giersing team in July 2010. Since 2005 he has been involved in all aspects of the design and construction of major military and infrastructure projects working as structural engineer at 52nd Central Designing Institute as part of Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation (2006 – 2010) and as a graduate site engineer at Russian Railways JSC Company in 2005.
- Kimbe Port Wharf, Kimbe, PNG
- Bulk Products Wharf, Whyalla, SA
- Pioneer MOF, Gorgon LNG Project, Barrow Is, WA
- Alotau Wharf Upgrade, PNG
- Australia Pacific LNG Project (APLNG), Queensland.
- Cape Lambert Port B – Access Jetty, WA
- Heavy Lift Facility, Gorgon LNG Project, Barrow Is, WA
- Wharf 11, Port of Brisbane, Queensland
- Boroko Creek Bridge– Hubert Murray Highway Upgrade, PNG